
After adopting Wookie in May, 2009, we noticed that he was a pacer and seemed very discontent after being locked in a cage through his experiences with cat rescue organizations and families that returned him.  A friend was fostering kittens for the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter, and she sent me a photo.  As soon as we saw a picture of this little grey fluff-ball, we knew we had found our next cat.

In June, 2010, Wicket and his two littermates were found under a house, born to a feral mother.  Apparently, the story was that this feral mother was well known, and she had a reputation for giving birth to kittens that people wanted.  Once we met Wicket, we decided to adopt him on the spot without knowing his sex.  The foster returned him to the shelter for shots and neutering, and when we arrived to pick him up, the shelter employee announced, “you have a baby boy!” We knew it, and we were very happy to bring him home.

wicket 2 months

Wicket at 2 months old, August 2010


3 months old, September 2010


We locked him in the bedroom so he’d have his own space, but he was a spitfire.  He wanted to meet Wookie.  As soon as they met, it was instant bonding.


August 2010


January 2011


February 2011

Wicket is an indoor cat. He has gotten outside twice, and both times he was traumatized.  Fortunately he hides.  During the first time, he hid under a fallen log, and after two days of searching, we saw him out the window. He would not come, too scared, so I had to scramble through blackberry bushes to grab him.  On his second time outside, he hid under a deck. I spotted him at the exact time a family of foxes was strolling by.  He would not come to me, just frozen in place. After more than an hour and unscrewing deck boards, he finally came out.  We are very careful now to make sure the doors are always closed so the cats cannot go outside.

He is now especially fond of our outdoor feral cat, Snootles.  He likes to watch her eat through the glass panels of the kitchen door.  He also will sniff noses with her when the door is opened a crack.

He is a very loving cat who likes to sleep on the end of the bed all night long.  He still kneads like a kitten, and likes to eat lint from blankets, (a behavior we were told derives from being weaned early).  He is precious.


June, 2011

in tunnel

March 2012

Wicket 2019

Wicket 2019

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