Salvage Art

Over the years, we have added various photographs of garden art on the farm. It seems that in many pages of the blog, there is art in some form or fashion because we love landscape design and architectural salvage using recycled, upcycled, and repurposed material.  When we design a fence, we add a whim of fancy or unique flavor.  Some garden fences have wine barrel spider webs with beads and wire while our eclectic garden fence has truck doors from a 1964 Ford F150, a plow, ships wheel, and other goodies.

More and more, our style of art reflects Salvage Art, and we are happy to share our ways we turn recycled materials into colorful treasures for the farm.  Each piece of art  has a story and that is what makes it special.  Also, we are fortunate to have wonderful people to assist with welding and carpentry to make our visions come to life.

Nothing is Impossible!  Art is a Treasure for the Soul!

Dragonfly Gogn

Dragonfly Gong. Installed April 2020