Ecology Management

To sustain the ecological watershed at the base of Ben Lomond Mountain by managing drainage and erosion to ensure health of the property and local natural resources.

Our Efforts Include:

  • Planting fruit trees, shrubs and perennials on hillside; removing non-native plants and maintaining the Native Woodland Forest for health and fire prevention;
  • Using garden methods that involve a system of design: composting, companion planting, no dig, crop rotations, worm composting, bee pollination, water harvesting, and recycling;
  • Fertilizing organic garden with compost from Manure Bunker to amend soil;
  • Using natural pest sprays and organic materials, such as nettle tea, egg shells, and white oil;
  • Ensuring proper drainage slope, erosion control, and run-off zones for water flow by digging natural drainage swales;
  • Working with local resource agencies, such as the Resource Conservation District, Ecology Action, Livestock & Land, and the USDA to gather information and implement a plan to mitigate issues related to manure, mud, water, and erosion;
  • Employing Integrated Fly Control using FlyRaptors;
  • Minimizing rodent impact with proper food storage systems using metal garage cans and hardwire cloth.


  • Establish a paddock system: confine horses to a sacrifice area during different seasons to minimize impact on the soil;
  • Add gravel to mud zone and create a path with secure footing to Manure Bunker;
  • Decide if redwood grove will have underground drainage tube or natural swale;
  • Build retaining wall behind Manure Bunker using black locust limbs with drainage going into a drainage swale around the corral;
  • Build a living “green” roof on Manure Bunker to capture water and reduce run-off through the corral.