Old Country Redwood Garden

Friday, July 31 – Sunday, August 2, 2020: A 3-day project to redo this garden bed outside the redwood grove.

At one point, the bed was cleared out and planted with redwood sorrel and daffodil bulbs, but the redwood starts took over again.  It took a day to cut down the starts.


I had read on a FB group that adding wood chips prevented regrowth so I wanted to give it a try. I also had random pieces of landscape fabric and weed cloth to use up which worked out perfectly. The idea just hit me that I could create a “staged” rustic farm scene with some yard art I recently bought from a hauler/picker friend. This was the perfect place.



The root mounds were cut out with a sawz-all as much as possible to lay landscape fabric flat.


After the landscape fabric, a long Black Locust limb was placed as a border and wood chips were filled it.  It’ll be an experiment to see if this prevents the redwood starts from coming back.


On Saturday, I was excited to start bringing up the farm treasures to place them and figure out the layout.  This is what I was looking forward to.

Then, on Sunday, I bought plants that would work well in the shady redwood grove area: Silver Lady Fern, Fuchsia: variegated Thyme-Leaf (with 2-3′ magenta flowers), curly fries Hosta, and Impatiens for color.


The left side is not done, we need to cut another Locust limb and raise that area with wood chips.  Then, in January, we’ll plant more bulbs, and in spring we’ll plant a couple rhododendrons and a Datura in the middle.
