dRain Garden

The front yard was a basic pile of dirt and weeds.  In December, 2017, I wanted to try a landscape design incorporating a “retention pond” and rain garden.  The goal was to have a place for the sink to drain as well as a new gutter on the outdoor kitchen.


The first step was digging out the drainage.


Drainage rock was added as a bottom coating to partially fill in the ditch and drainage.

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I added a piece of drain pipe and elbow for the sink to drain into the depression (eventually once the outdoor kitchen is built).  More drain rock was added on top of the pipe to cover it.  I also bought some plants from a local college horticulture department.


At the local community college, I took some photos of their creek bed, and it gave me some ideas about rocks and flowers.   I wanted to plant gazanias.

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Before the decorating, the depression was covered with filter fabric to keep soil out of the drainage. Recycled gopher wire was also used.


Loads of composted horse manure were dumped into the ditch.


The front edge along the walkway was dug out to add bare root asparagus. Also, flat river rocks were lined along the cement walkway.

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On top of the drain rock, little river rock cobbles were added which raised up and widened the drainage.

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The fun part, planting!  All the plants were put in individual gopher wire baskets, except the area with the gopher wire in the drain ditch.

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After planting, a nice top soil of compost was layered and then gorilla fur.


The asparagus is popping out.


By August 2018 the plants have really filled in the space:

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In spring 2019, we added more plants and enjoyed watching the asparagus grow stronger in it’s second year.
